Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
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Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Wednesday, July 28, 2004 (10:11 PM)

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Posted by
WenASe (68)
Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Why did USSR agree to withdraw its ICBM from CUBA? At that time, action of USSR president Crushev ( I don't know how to spell ) degraded himself and US Kennedy became popular in the world after this event. Anyway, Crushev saved the entire world from NUCLEAR WAR by agreeing the withdrawal of ICBM from CUBA.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (1:58 AM)
You answered the question.
It was really very perplexed political situation.

Posted by
jadeboy (44)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (4:23 AM)
Khrushchev, was not willing to start World War III. But Kennedy was willing to goto war if the missile was not removed, WW3 was minutes from happening. The world would have ended in 1962. The crisis is extremely well documented in the West and there has been many documentary on this subject. Khrushchev prevented WW 3 more than Kennedy. Recently new information about the events war released a few years ago, such as the there was tactical(battle field) nuke in cuba during the crisis that the US didn't know about. It would have wiped the US invasion army. And there was also information that the submarine (I believed 3) was carrying torpedo that were nuclear under the command of the captain that was not known to the US.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (5:03 AM)
One is sure, CIA thought that Kennedy was dangerous, because he was the father of the idea for investigating the affairs of CIA. And. they killed him, Ossuald was killed after the murder. That's why the investigation can't give a result. Who can go towards CIA?! But I think that Kennedy was not a bad person, he simply believed that the president really rulls The United States. :)

Posted by
jadeboy (44)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (5:29 AM)
I highly doubt the CIA did it. Although most of the non democratic world hate the CIA. In the US they are respected and their power is limited. They have ZERO authority in the the US, the laws doesn't grant them any power at all.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (6:13 AM)
Written it is really so, but non-written CIA rules the States, if you get what I mean, yes, Kennedy really had big problems with CIA, nobody can prove that they killed him, certainly. And their problems came after Sept. 11. It is nice that today their authority is falling down, but are still dangerous, they are not transparrent, simply the population doesn't know what CIA is doing at any moment.

Posted by
jadeboy (44)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (6:34 AM)
Secret intelligent by nature are not too transparent but they are under watch of the US senate which have oversight on executive branch of government. The CIA can't do shit in the US, they are not even allows to even watch america, even if they they did, any evidence they get would be through out in the courts, and the CIA would be in trobles. The US is a country rules by the "rule of law". Generally in most western country most people are not generally afraid by the authority, but because they have limited power and we have are oversight of their power. Case in example. The US have 3 levels of government (seperation of power) that are independent from each other, all of them works to check each others (check and balance). The major intelligent agency in the US that has authority is the FBI, which is generally respected too, but any action by the FBI must get approvable of the judicary (judges) branch which is independent. Don't judge US government systems by your experience of your government (if you live in a former communist government).

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (6:58 AM)
Jadeboy, the separation of power is the same in Bulgaria, in Europe, almost everywhere. The question is: does it work effectively?

Posted by
jadeboy (44)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (7:49 AM)
Definitely. I think all nations should have separation of power. It's a key factors in government, it limit their power. I am not american, but I know alot about the American systems (I am from Canada, we are basically neighbour), we have separation of power like the US but our "check and balance" is not as good as the US. The concept of "separation of power" is fundamental to both Canada and US political system (and all good democracy), no one would dare to suggest not having it, it prevents one branch of government from having too much power, people believe power corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That why generally in both Canada and US, corrupts is not a problem (we have other problems).

Case in example of "separation of power" and "check and balance", the Bush administration was finally force to bring charges to detainnees in Guantanamo Bay and have trials. Even though Guantanamo Bay is not american soil but part of Cuba rented to the US (reason why they moved them there, and Bush agrument in the US supreme court), the US Supreme Court have rules that the Bush administration must trial them. If the situtation was on america soil there would not be a debate about this.

Flanker, if you are interested in politics/government. I recommend you join PoliticalClout ( ), we need people. This is where you can learned/debate about political issues and ask questions. You're are encourage to be skeptical/debate/disagree/agree about ideas. I can answer a lot from there, on our political/economics/culture (we want to know about yours too). In democratic nations debates/disagreements are the central to a democracy, without it would not be a democracy.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: July 29, 2004 (8:22 AM)
OK, jadeboy, I am there, I hope it will be interesting, I am ready to give my opinion about the future system, I mean the system, which will substitute the so called "Parliamentary Democracy", it doesn't mean that it will be not democratic, even it must be definitely better, social orientated and more democratic and so on.

Posted by
Greek (44)
RE: Cuba Missile Crisis 1962
Posted: January 25, 2006 (9:03 PM)
Let's get back to the question. There is a movie on the subject, it's called "Thirteen Days", starring Kevin Kostner. In this movie we can see that the Americans knew about the battlefield nukes in Cuba, "Frogs" they called them.

I haven't got a clue about the submarine story though, can you help me , jadeboy?

As for the leaders, I believe that they equally prevented WW3. I'm not sure if it was only his decision, but Kruschev was right to send nukes in Cuba; Castro was his ally and it was only the previous year that the US tried to invade his island (Pigs's Gulf).
Kennedy, on his side, proposed to Kruschev a deal: if Russian nukes were taken away from Cuba, US would take away their nukes (Jupiter missiles) from Turkey. But the latter would take place six months later, so as not to appear that USA give away their allies for their own security.

The point is that the whole world was very lucky to go through this with just one casualty (a U-2 flying over Cuba was shot down and the pilot was killed.).

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