Su-35 and Euro fighter
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Su-35 and Euro fighter
Saturday, October 9, 2004 (3:35 PM)

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Posted by
WenASe (68)
Su-35 and Euro fighter
IS Russian Su-35 capable of beating Euro fighter or French Mirage in air-combat?

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 11, 2004 (2:06 AM)
Depends on the electronic equipment, there are too many variants of Su-35. But Mirage is too old, easily to beat. Although Eurofighter is brand new, there are a lot of problems with his fly-by-wire system, and I don't think that it will be a problem for Su-35 to capture the battle.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 12, 2004 (2:07 AM)
I know, but I am quite sure that when he says Su-35, he means mostly of the su-27 variants, the one-seaters - su-27, su-33, su-35, su-37, and even it is more accurate to say that su-35 and su-37 are prototypes, they have been build for checking flight parameters, electronic equipment and so on. That's why I used to say "depending on electr. equipment".
But I know that there have been nearly 10 Su-35 jets, look at board 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710. The board 711 is called Su-37, that's why I don't mention it. I got pictures only of 701 (old picture, because it have been built in the end of 80's), 706, 709 and 710. I can't find photos for the others. I was looking everywhere, but obviously during the years they had performed their missions and maybe the jets rest in piece near Zhukovsky.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 12, 2004 (5:37 AM)
So what! It means that both of us are wright. You say true and I say true. I know about the Su-35, but maybe it is more accurate to say that the RusAF have Su-27SM. I think that this was the name of the upgrade version and I adore this aircraft and do you know why? Because it can't find a picture, photo of the cockpit of the upgrade version for the russian air force. If you have a link, please give it to me.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 12, 2004 (5:38 AM)
Simply russian air force specialists don't use the word su-35, they use su-27SM.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 12, 2004 (9:40 AM)
Don't make jokes! I know what they write, I know russian, I don't read retelled stories like other people. And they use Su-27SK or Su-27SM.

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 12, 2004 (9:42 AM)

LIPEZK, 26. Dezember (RIA Nowosti). Die Fliegergarnison Lipezk (Zentralrussland) wird f�nf modifizierte Kampfflugzeuge des Typs Su-27SM erhalten. Die Maschinen sollen noch am Freitag vom Flugzeugbetrieb in Komsomolsk am Amur im Fernen Osten eintreffen, teilte Generalleutnant Alexander Selin, Befehlshaber der Fliegerkr�fte der Luftstreitkr�fte Russlands, am Freitag in Moskau mit.

Die neuen Maschinen werden es nach seinen Worten gestatten, das Kampfpotenzial der Fliegerverb�nde beachtlich zu erh�hen. �Die modifizierten Maschinen sind multifunktional, wodurch sie jetzt auch neue Aufgaben l�sen k�nnen", sagte der Milit�r.

�Die Su-27SM weist alle Know-how auf, die bei den Exportmodifikationen Su-30MKI und Su-30MKK angewandt wurden. Unsere Flugzeuge d�rfen nicht schlechter sein als Maschinen, die Russland an andere L�nder exportiert", sagte Selin.

Alle neuen Flugzeuge, die die russischen Fliegerkr�fte erhielten, k�nnten zuk�nftig weiter modernisiert werden.

�Die modernisierte Su-27SM stellt im Grunde genommen ein ganz neues Flugzeug dar. Vervollkommnet wurden nicht nur Bordausr�stungen und Waffen, sondern auch der Rumpf der Maschine. Das Flugzeug kann auch ohne beachtliche technische �nderungen mit modifizierten Triebwerken ausgestattet werden, darunter auch mit gelenkter Schubkraft", sagte Selin.

This is in German. Translated from russian. Look at the Su 27SM!

Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 12, 2004 (9:45 AM)
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Posted by
Flanker (73)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: October 13, 2004 (9:36 AM)
But why don't you realise, that the version for the russian air force is called Su-27SM?!

Posted by
KillerFrog (1)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: April 25, 2005 (3:42 PM)
What are the problems with the Euro Figther that make you so sure the SU-27 can take it? Its avionics would have to be incredibly over hauled over the original SU-27 model for it to even have a chance. Otherwise the Euro fighter would have engaged it before it could even see the the Typhoon. Now if you want to compare it to an aircraft, how about the F/A-22 or the ATF? Aircraft more stealthy than the B-2, able to cruise at super sonic speeds without after burners, the most advanced avionics in the world, and with afterburners able to generate almost 80,000 lbs of combined thrust, and most likely the most maneauverable aircraft in the world. Not that it would ever come down to a dogfight. The mig would be shotdown before it even knew the F/A-22 was there.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Su-35 and Euro fighter
Posted: April 25, 2005 (4:16 PM)
"Its avionics would have to be incredibly over hauled over the original SU-27 model for it to even have a chance."

Right, but Su-35 is not original Su-27 (read title)

"the most advanced avionics in the world" - about F-22, who told you that? I don't wanna say SU have best avionics, but isn't sure F-22 have it, right?

"The mig would be shotdown before it even knew the F/A-22 was there."
Maybe, but russians officials said that MiG 1.44 (and even Su-47) is over F-22. Why you believe americans says and not russians ones?

Overall I'm going to say russians aircraft would be better than americans. Maybe I'm wrong.

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