HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
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HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Thursday, September 29, 2005 (11:55 PM)

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Posted by
55Heroes (1)
HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
The most keeped secret.
HMS Invincible (R05) was sunk by attack combined of AMM-39 Exocet lauched for Naval Argentinian Aviation and 3 bombs lauched for A-4 Skyhawk.
Was reemplaced by HMS-Illustrious (R06).
You like proof?
have a lot photos to sustent my afirmation.

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Posted by
JSF_fan (48)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: December 12, 2005 (3:07 AM)
Sounds like bullocks to me.

Posted by
Greek (44)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: January 18, 2006 (6:42 PM)
I haven't heard anything about it, but it sounds quite logical to me. I'll have a look on the website.

Posted by
harry (1)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: June 18, 2006 (6:13 AM)
Having served on vinny during the falklands war i
have to say i must have a poor memory cos i dont remember swimming back to portsmouth harbour

Posted by
Greek (44)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: June 20, 2006 (4:44 AM)
Ha ha ha, probably the best reply I've ever read Harry!

It's good to hear a veteran in our forum from time to time. Was the ship though severly damaged and the Argentinians stepped on that and claimed to have sunk the "Vinny"?

Posted by
Edward (1)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: November 4, 2006 (5:50 PM)
The Argentinians just can't accept that their military services were a bunch of losers who could not compete with British forces on the Argentinian's own doorstep. If Invincible was hit then do you honestly think that the British press could have kept their mouths shut for 24 hours never mind 24 years - course not! If you fancy your chances now try attacking the Falklands with the 1200 troops currently there and you'll soon learn what stand-off weapons can do to Buenes Aires. Let's face it, the Argies hit one warship with an air-ship exocet (plus the Atlantic Conveyer that wasn't a warship after HMS Ambuscade decoyed the exocet in the first place) and they think that the war was near run.

Get real, you lost, your Military Junta collapsed and you'll never get your hands on OUR Falkland's sheep.

Posted by
England_Ed (2)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: November 11, 2006 (7:00 AM)
I agree with most of your list, but I think that you prove my point that only one warship was hit by an air launched exocet - HMS Sheffield. HMS Glamorgan was hit by a modified ship-launched version that was launched from near Port Stanley and the Atlantic Converer was not a warship.

HMS Invencible (sp). Probably Sunk - It may be possible to hide the deaths of hundreds or thousands of people in your country but not in England. The press is free (sometimes unfortunately), and the fact that the ship has been seen on thousands of occasions since 1982 tends to undermine your arguement. I think that you are obviously bitter and just trying to identify some vestige of dignity from what was obviously a military defeat.

A butt kicking - maybe you have a point, the UK did suffer losses but it's pretty hard to win a war 8000 miles away without losses - do you know what it means to win a war?

I wouldn't like to pass judgement on whether Argentina is a third world country but if that is what you claim then I won't take issue.

Posted by
England_Ed (2)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: November 15, 2006 (6:21 PM)
Nice pics Pixellssss, no-one in Britain doubts their authenticity since we saw them first in 1982. You're obviously an authority on Argentinian military history so help me:

1. What was your Navy doing to help save Argentinian dignity when your troops were busy accepting 'unconditional surrender' in Port Stanley?

2. Why did your air-force fail to eliminate the Harrier threat? The Brits had less than 20 planes, Argentina had around 200.

Answer these two questions and then you can post a few pics of HMS Sheffield or HMS Ardent to make you feel that being kicked off the Falklands was not too one-sided.

Posted by
radar (1)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: November 15, 2006 (7:39 PM)
Good point brother Ed. Argie's navy was too busy getting fat on corned beef in port to engage the UK. After the Belgrano was hit they all went back to the mainland to cower whilst watched by one of our submarines. Well, all except the Belgrano that didn't go very far at all. Only the Brit ships had the nerve to carry on fighting after taking losses. If the Argie carrier had come out to engage then things may have been different.

Every time the Argies took on harriers then Argie lost. I don't think that a single harrier was hit by an Argie plane. A couple were hit by groundfire and Pixells can confirm. They could have tried a bit harder to take out the harriers and I never knew why they didn't. Good question bruv.

Have a good holiday if I don't see you first.

Posted by
mouse (1)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: November 20, 2006 (3:38 PM)
I remember the battle for Goose Green. I was discussing it with a number of work colleagues who thought that Argentina could not lose. Argentina had around 3000 troops that were dug in, fully armed with stocks of provisions, troops to provide crossfire and slaughter the English as they advanced. England has around 600 men.

They asked me what I thought and I told them that they must be mad if they thought that Argentina could win this battle. The British soldiers were from 2 Para and were only outnumbered 5:1. This was the beginning of the end for Argentina. Two para I say!

The rest is history - the Args are good footballers but poor fighters. The way Mr Pixell talks you would think that Argentina won that conflict. Fancy saying that they sunk the Invincible - every schoolboy in Southern England got taken there for a school trip between 1980 (ish) and 2000! And the next month they see the Illustrious too. How can R05 and R06 be the same? Mr Pixel must share his drugs with Mr Maradona.

Posted by
MikeH (1)
RE: HMS Invincible sunk in 1982
Posted: December 16, 2006 (10:23 AM)
Why did Pixell remove of his posts or was it sysadmin screening out the rubbish?
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