Why doesnt the United States sell high t...
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Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Saturday, March 4, 2006 (6:16 PM)

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Posted by
TruthHurts (10)
Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Russia always sells there so called high tech planes,missles,tanks and pretty much every other high tech military equipment to third world countries such as cuba,iran,syria,india and so on and so on.How about we the United States turn this game around and start putting a little fear in our enemies eyes and sell our high tech planes,tanks, and missles to any country that wants to buy.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 4, 2006 (8:39 PM)
After me it is very simple. No one sell the ultimate in their tech. SUA can't sell any other plane than F-15 and F-16, because they have only from december F-22.
Russia didn't sell any ultimate of its tech. Su-30 was born in 1993. First contract was with India in 1998. But there was Su-35/37.
Russia now sell MiG-29SMT to Algeria, but Su-27SM are better than it. Russia sold 300 T-90 tanks to India, but T-95 are in development for years. Its status is unclear, I mean maybe it is in service in secret (it could be).
So, after all, we must take in mind that nobody sell to enemy.
Tell me one 3rd world country allied to SUA. I don't know any. . But Russia has: Vietnam, Syria, Iran, etc. - are only USA enemy (this is cold war). Another good reason are money of course.

Posted by
TruthHurts (10)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 4, 2006 (9:06 PM)
Good point Sukhoy but, when russia sells like ak47s and other military equipment to third world countries the military equipment usually ends up in a 12 year old boys hands.therefore leaving the u.s. no choice but to deal with the situation if you know what i mean.The u.s. could sell to other countries just like russia but we dont want to see are technology used in the wrong way because in the interest of world peace.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 4, 2006 (9:29 PM)
Sorry, but I think USA many times used its tech in wrong way. USA didn't search peace in the world. If USA win and earn from any war, then USA will begin it. You told about ak47 in wrong hands. Tell me about children in USA that open fire against teachers and maths. Same problem I think. About ak47 were used in larger scale, yes, I agree, but was cold war. Many country made ak47, even my country Romania.

For now if any irakian child have any weapons is because war begun by USA. Now are more accidents with weapons in childrens' arms than in Saddam's time, agree?

Let's not talk about Afghanistan, Stinger in wrong hands, there were not terrorism support by USA?

Posted by
TruthHurts (10)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 4, 2006 (10:49 PM)
You talk about the stinger missles the "cia" gave to the afghans but you fail to realize the sam misle batteries tanks ak47s and all that military equipment russia gave to the viatnamese.Communist countries have always been the agressor nations, the .u.s just sets back and tries to stabalize the situation that communist countries start.Look at north vieatnam,they started the war,look at north korea in the korean war,they started it and again the .u.s just tries to stabalize the situations.Tell me a time when israel started a war or canada or mexico,and im talking about since the 1940s.All im saying is if one country wants to be communist thats fine let the rest of the world choose there own fate.

Posted by
hello (109)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 4, 2006 (11:20 PM)
Well, I am not trying to argue here but point of view always depends on a point where you are.
In SU times Soviet Government was always telling its people that Capitalists Countries are the aggressor. NATO is bad etc. etc.

I agree that Afghan war was wrong in all aspects. Although I think Korean and Vietnam wars were wrong too.
No matter how you slice it - war makes some people very wealthy and others pretty dead. There is no other slice to it right now.

Posted by
SenFreebie (13)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 6, 2006 (00:35 AM)
So you're trying to make the point that the USA has never armed an aggressor or given advanced (or even basic) weaponry to third world nations. So, lets go through some evidence against your argument;

In Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, leader of the North Vietnamese defended his people against the imperial Japanese, the imperial French and finally the USA. The USA armed the South Vietnamese and interfered with their politics. They refused to hold elections because they KNEW that the Communists would win. They armed petty militias in the South to legitamise their war.

In Indonesia the USA and UK armed President (or General) Suharto who on US orders over threw democratic government, murdered 3 million of his people, invaded a nation, killing 1/3 of their population and loaned 12 billion USD, of which 6 billion he embezzled. They provided him with the weapons and money . the Indonesian people are still paying the debts imposed for that money.

In Chile the USA armed a Chilean General by the name of Pinochet and sent him home to overthrow the democratic government there. His dictatorship lasted until the late 1990's and he has still not been brought to justice for subverting democracy and committing genocide.

In Iraq, Saddam Hussein was provided with US manufactured chemical weapons which he used against the Iranians and Kurds. US officials attempted to suppress this information and when it came out they cheered him as a champion of democracy. He was even given the key to the city of New Jersey before his falling out with the USA over Kuwait.

Now these are examples of the sorts of crimes committed with US weapons. Here is a list of third world nations / groups supplied by the USA.

-Colombian military / drug lord
-Brazil's dictatorship
-Venezuala's military government
-Egypt's dictators
-Angola's genocidal rebels (where do you think US diamonds come from?)
-Cuba's pre Castro leaders (where slavery was legal)
-Taiwan's dictatorship
-South Korea's dictatorship
-Spain's fascist leadership
-South Africa's Apartheid regime
-the Khmer Rouge (worst since Nazi Germany)
-Afghanistan's Mujaheddin
-Saudi Arabia's dictators
-Afghanistan's Taliban
-Saudi Arabia's Al Queda organisation
-Kuwait's dictators
-Pakistans current dictator (Bush recently called him a shining example of freedom in Arabia while speaking in India. Pakistan is not Arabic.)
-Syria's current dictator
-Israel's occupying forces

Now, this is all before I get out my history book and start searching for obscure references like their support of the government in Zaire which resulted in the 1990's most bloody war or their manipulation of Yugoslavia which caused the Bosnian war and Kosovoan situation. If you want the complete list you will have to pay me for hours of studying but you surely get the picture already. The USA has military bases in 2/3's of the worlds nations and has had a negative role in 95% of wars since WW2 (the last they had a positive role in). Their military budget is larger then all of NATO, Russia, China and India combined and they effectively control 1/3 of the worlds nations through dictators and puppets who answer directly the CIA or US state department.

So next time you go criticising the former USSR for giving public license for AK-47 manufacture to numerous allies take a step back and think . why?

Most of the countries in which AK-47's end up in childrens hands are countries that have become so desparate thanks to US intervention and oppression that they have no choice but to arm up and protect themselves from exploitation and genocide.

Posted by
Foxhound (131)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 6, 2006 (3:31 AM)

You are Good.

Truth is all nations, except maybe Canada, have some unsavory dealings in the past. Including the last 40 years.

Don't forget that an AK-47 is hardly Hi-Tech.

And the only countires that have "so called Russian hi-tech" are China, India, Ukraine (where some of it was/is developed,) to a lesser extent Belarus.

Malayasia is looking to purchase a Su-30 varient(great choice) called the SU-30MKM, full details are not yet available.

A former republic (Kazakistan, I think?) does have a small number of Mod-1, Mark-0, MiG-31's. Most likely left for reparations.

Other than that I do not know of any large or small scale proliferation of latest model MiG's or Su's to any countries,
or S-300/400's for that matter.

Of course if one remembers Jon Lake's article about potental US air foes. It seemed the older MiG-29A used by former East German pilots in 1-v-1 situations got the better of latest F-16,15,18 versions the majority of the time.

Which does not infer the Luftwaffe could beat the USAF/USN. What it tells me is all else being equal, contempoary Russian fighter jets are every bit as good, if not a little better than American/Western.

Foxhound: Wherever I be.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 6, 2006 (1:19 PM)
Sen, you forgot former CIA put cement in Cuba's children's milk and so on against cuban civilians.

Posted by
Typhoon (2)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 6, 2006 (1:38 PM)
I didn't know that, Sukhoy. How did they put cement into children's milk and why did they do that?

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Why doesnt the United States sell high technology to third world countries.
Posted: March 6, 2006 (3:42 PM)
Yes, I heard from Discovery channel, from former CIA agent who now regret what did he do. And did many other, delivery expired food etc. Dirty things. Not only Hitler or Stalin did it.
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