Plasma Stealth
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Plasma Stealth
Monday, July 2, 2007 (11:51 AM)

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Posted by
Rediculous (15)
Plasma Stealth
I read in a previous thread that Russia claims to possess "proven" stealth tech called plasma stealth that is superior to any American design.

ehhh boy. where to begin with this one?
How bout I ask a few questions about plasma sealth.
1. How would you mask the MASSIVE IR signiture of a plasma cloud?
2. How would the plasma stealthy plane be able to use its own radar?
3. How would the plane house a generator large enough to emitt this large plasma cloud?
4. How would one mask the plane visually? A plasma cloud glows like a fireball and will be seen for miles.
5. How in the hell would this generator, small enough to efficiently fit on a fighter, be capable of sustaining a uniform plasma shield around the entire airframe with the turbulent airflow over the structure that comes with simply moving through the air, let alone mach speeds? Remember, one gap in the cloud will ruin the stealth.

I would really appreciate any answers that include facts.

Really sounds like a pipe dream to me. I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: July 4, 2007 (7:46 AM)
Good questuions! So, now, to my knoledge:

1. Plasma Shield is used only against radar, not IRST.

2. There are 3 generation classes. First didn't let your radar to work. But on the 3rd gen generator russians solved that problem.

3. Is not very much and it can be fit on an aircraft.It has about 80kg weight. I don't know exacly the dimensions.

4. I didn't read about plasma cloud can be seen, maybe, I don't know.

5. It was tested in the air. Theoreticaly it reduce RCS 100 times. In practice, was mounted on MiG-21 and it reduced RCS 5 times against MiG-31 (most powerfull radar in the world).

Posted by
RocknRoll (5)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: July 4, 2007 (2:08 PM)
The Russians have always been superior in stealth technology. Kinda had a foundation on old Nazi tech. BTW, i've done some research and have seen that the "UFO's" must be some sort of Russian reconaissance probes. Then some facts pointed to that. So there's some stealth tech right there, can't even find the faintest signal on any radar in the world. One thing is that a few have been followed by American satellites, and upon doing whatever they were doing, they went into space and exploded. An obvious security measure. I don't think the Russians would want a satellite following the "UFO" which would land on Russian soil

Posted by
RocknRoll (5)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: July 4, 2007 (2:10 PM)
Also, I've heard a lot about this Plasma Stealth. Really scares me how advanced it is. Just hope Lockheed Martin can develop some stuff like that.

Posted by
Rediculous (15)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: July 6, 2007 (9:04 AM)
RocknRoll, are you serious right now? hope not.

Sukhoy, Ive heard or read similar things on the net, but Im still perplexed how they were able to keep a uniform plasma coating around the jet while flying through sustained airflow, let alone the supersonic shockwave. classified I suppose. Either way, decreasing a jets RCS by 5 times is minimal considering the Raptor's frontal RCS is said to be in the neighborhood of 0.0001-0.0002m2(metal marble) and the F-35's is around 0.0014m2(golf ball).

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: July 7, 2007 (3:40 AM)
To my knowledge, russians apply plasma shield used like on vehicle reentry in atmosphere. Is not the same type but is like that.

Like some of you I too say both russians and americans are far more advanced than we thought.

If that plasma shield around an aircraft would not be very good in practice than nobody would said it will be used on military aircraft.

Still I doubt what technology will be intalled on PAKFA. However, plasma generator can be attached anywhen, it can be an auxiliar equipment.

Posted by
TheMagicMan (10)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: October 7, 2007 (10:38 PM)
Does anyone belive all this hype. Rocknroll your funny. All the stuff you said can be found on sites like the ones I will put below. This is just one in a million that have the same claims as your but are american. For instance, Stuff like UFO in area 51, Aurora, even stuff like an invisible cloak for aircraft. As for plasma steath. I am half and half on it. I belive then I don't. So that would be cool if it is as good as they claim. I think US is probly working on how to detect a huge floating cloud of plasma:). hehe. Should be outside the realm of Physicist/Engineers. People shouldn't belive stuff that doesn't have much to back there claims. Or at least should be skeptical of them. And Trust me the United States has as much weird stuff as russia and possibly more.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: October 13, 2007 (5:03 AM)
About Hyper-X, it is not an aircraft, it can't fire a missile. They only want to build a plane that can go 25 times faster than sound and they will do with succes I think. Russians with fewer money can't begin such a complex experiment even they are smarter. However they spy all works in US :) or they do too that experiment but we simply don't know. .yet. :)

Posted by
TheMagicMan (10)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: October 13, 2007 (4:46 PM)
Well hyper X is not a strike aircraft but the Hyper Soar is. With a projected speed of about mach 5-6 or more. Your right Russia doesn't have a budget to test any of these kind's of aircraft. Right now I think even Germany might have a bigger defense budget then Russia. Mabey not.

Us has to many test-X planes. With a budget of 650,000,000,000+ as of now money can get lost. Well Russia may spy on the US but the US spies on Russia also. US has more spy satallites then all the world combined.

Posted by
Sukhoy (488)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: October 15, 2007 (4:48 PM)
Russia now spy US like on USSR times. US said that.

Posted by
seriously (1)
RE: Plasma Stealth
Posted: February 10, 2010 (3:57 PM)
A plasma shield, and you're believing this?. and exactly how many futuristic scify games are you playing? email me some damn concrete evidence and then we'll start talking. i want links, design specs., what project it was under, and for the love of god, a sight that wasnt influnced by random 20 year olds who were drunk and high while making the comment.
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